
nylon.tv < 3

I love Mila Kunis, she is an absolutely gorgeous individual. To me she is real, she isn't a fake Hollywood girl, she isn't scared to look messy and she likes to take risks. I've been a fan of her since That's 70s show and Family Guy (as Meg). I think she is a great actress, and I am excited to see her new movie Black Swan. It looks like a fantastic film, as she stars along side Natalie Portman. It was a limited release, so Im not sure when i'll see it. Anyway, this video relates to me, as much as I love fashion, sweatpants = LOVE



And by that I mean MESH MESH MESH OPEN STITCH SWEATERS! I've been seeing these designs everywhere, and I love the look of them. I would have to say may favorite kind would be the ones with a little stress in them, and have been teared, shredded, and worn. I don't own any myself, hopefully I can get some soon. I think the overall look of them is fantastic, and is great for this season. I can't wait to acquire some: I've been looking online for some nice ones, and to me it seems that the only place that has a nice variety of them is TOPSHOP, UO has some but not a lot and not distressed like how I like. Luckily for me, a TOPSHOP is opening up in Chicago soon!!

(Images Via: Topshop & Urban Outfitters)


Random: It's just lovely to know that my parents stalk my life

That's cool. -_- I'm not really upset, I just find it funny. I'm sure you are going to read this too. Good for you. I'm not ashamed nor do I have anything to hide. I write what I write because that's what I feel. My emotions my mind, im not going to censor myself 100% percent becuase that's not me. No point in that, I do this for me, not for anybody else. I document what I want to remember. :)



Snow is finally falling on the ground, hello winter, I enjoy your presence but please don't last long.